Looking at
the Cup Half Full
since 1966

How do you pronounce that?

“Holzapfel” actually means crabapple (Holz = Wood, Apfel = Apple).

This is not German for beginners, though.

Just call me Klaus.

Conversation Starters

Non-violent Communication

This is simply another way to make the world a better place. We can keep yelling at each other (online and offline) or we tone it down and try to understand what others are actually trying to say. For starters I highly recommend Marshall Rosenberg’s book on the topic.

Common Sense

Need to discuss common sense?
Does someone need a dose of it?
Are the principles unclear?
Doubting its benefits?
Please get in touch!


We are ALL so much better off with a higher level of empowerment. Women, minorities, immigrants: stronger together with a sprinkle of Ubuntu on top please!


One of my strongest realizations is how limited our time on earth really is. Therefore having a purpose in life and using it as a guide is of high priority for me. This is not necessarily the easy route. I keep challenging myself. My journey has ups and downs and many of them have been recorded on this blog.

Random Acts of Kindness

Buying a cup for someone else. Paying for someone’s groceries. Giving flowers to a stranger. Shoveling someone’s driveway. Generally this is not something we talk about a lot. It’s something we simply do. Beware: Once you know how good it feels one can become addicted.


An Attack on Democracy Itself

An Attack on Democracy Itself

Jul 15, 20244 min read

This past Saturday (07/13/25) , a highly controversial political figure in the US narrowly escaped an assassination attempt when a bullet grazed his ear. Although the candidate was fortunate to survive, one person in the crowd was killed, and two others were severely injured by the shooter. Since the tragic…

Rethinking Our Migration Crisis

Rethinking Our Migration Crisis

Jul 8, 20244 min read

Migration into the United States and Europe presents significant challenges, with no clear solutions that gain majority support. Politicians often deflect the issue with announcements and accusations. Current Statistics Migrants often pay significant sums to handlers to cross borders and the Mediterranean Sea. Many end up in camps for extended…

My quarrels with FIFA and the 2022 World Cup

My quarrels with FIFA and the 2022 World Cup

Dec 8, 20226 min read

I decided to boycott the 2022 World Cup long ago and haven’t watched a second of the footage. “Boycott” might not be the right word since I’m simply choosing not to watch the games. Of course, I was never a significant factor in economic terms. Yes, I bought a couple…

A canvas for the holidays

A canvas for the holidays

Dec 8, 20224 min read

For many years I used to live in an HOA (home owners associaton) controlled neighborhood in Westminster, just north of Denver. After my divorce I didn’t need to discuss home decoration plans with anyone else and felt like adding a splash of color to the neighborhood. I find the traditional…

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